To make sure you're receiving all important notifications from us, follow these steps to troubleshoot common email delivery issues:
Ensure Notification Settings Are Turned On:
Go to Settings: In your account, click on your profile photo thumbnail and click 'Settings.'
Step 1:Step 2:
Ensure your email is correct and "Rental Notifs" is checked.
Ensure You Have Not Opted Out of Specific Notifications:
Ensure Our Emails Are Not Marked as Spam:
If our emails are marked as spam, your provider cannot delist us without your approval.
There are several methods to manage spam settings within email providers, for example:
Within Gmail:
Users can customize their Gmail spam filter by following these steps:
Click the Settings gear icon in the top right corner of the inbox.
Select See all settings.
Go to the Filters and Blocked Addresses tab.
Click Create a new filter to specify criteria for filtering emails.
Click Create filter to activate the filter.
If you need any more help, please get in touch with our support team!