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How to Decline a Rental Reservation on ShareGrid

Smoothly Managing Rental Request Declinations

Dave avatar
Written by Dave
Updated over a week ago

If you find yourself unable to accept a rental reservation on ShareGrid, here's how to handle the situation effectively and respectfully:

1. Decline Promptly: You can accept or decline rental requests as an owner. If you need to decline, click the "Decline" button as soon as possible. This consideration allows the renter to seek alternatives without delay.

2. Update Your Calendar: Regularly update your availability calendar to reduce the frequency of having to decline requests. This ensures renters only see and request your gear when it's available.

3. Communicate Clearly: When declining a request, communicate clearly and politely with the renter. Explain the reasons for your decision, whether due to scheduling conflicts or other issues. A polite explanation maintains goodwill and helps the renter understand your position.

4. Maintain Community Respect: Our platform thrives on respect and support among members. We encourage open and courteous interactions to foster a positive community environment.

Need Help? If you encounter difficulties or have questions about managing reservation requests, our customer support team is always ready to assist you. Our priority is ensuring smooth and respectful interactions on ShareGrid.

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